Your Love

Your Love

Healing the sick
Raising the dead
On a grassy hill
Thousands were fed.

Water turned to wine
spirits sent into swine
Calming the terrible storm
For this, You were born.

Sightless eyes Your beauty beheld
Sinners transformed by Your love compelled.
‘Talitha Kum’ You gently said
And the little girl rose from her bed.

Every day that You walked on earth
Your love to all You showed forth.
People gathered in every town
To listen to You till the sun went down.

Then one fine day
You went to pray.
In Gethsemane, You cried,
“Father have your way.”

It should really have been me
Hanging on that Calvary tree.
Before the Father my sins laid bare
Never worthy of Your mercy and care.

O what Love!
O what Grace!
That on the cross
You took my place.

The enemy thought you were killed
But the prophecy was fulfilled.
From the beginning that was the plan
The very reason You became Man.

In three days You rose again
I am unfettered from my chains!
Sin no longer has a hold on me
Your love, O Lord, set me free!

What can I say? What can I do?
My heart, my alI, I offer You.
I will lift my eyes to the heavens above
And thank You for your Unending Love.

Articles: 33


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