I Blinked…

To my firstborn on her 7th birthday…

Dear Sophia,

I remember the day I found out I was having you
I pinched myself to make sure it was true
The excitement and joy grew month by month
But the morning sickness wasn’t much fun!

Pink or blue we had no idea
But we knew a girl would be named Sophia
You grew, you stretched, and kicked some too
But then I blinked…
And it was time to meet you!

3.9 kgs of pure joy and sweetness
You captured my heart I must confess
Your beautiful brown eyes stared in awe at me
My heart was full, we were a family of three!

Sleepless nights and midnight feedings,
Spit ups and blow-outs, but we squeezed in some reading
Watching you move and crawl was so much fun
But then I blinked…
And soon you were one.

You held my hand and learnt to walk
You loved to sing, and boy you could talk!
You were a daddy’s girl through and through
But then I blinked…
And you were two.

The terrible twos! Oh I’d heard all about it
It was actually terrific – I loved every messy bit!
With a mind of your own- you were wild and free
But then I blinked..
And you were three.

Time for school- you loved it there
The centre of attraction was your curly hair
A new sister arrived, life wasn’t the same anymore
But I blinked…
And you were four.

It wasn’t easy to share me with your sister
But soon you just couldn’t resist her.
You learnt to read and then to write.
But I blinked…
And you were all of five.

COVID struck- it was not a good start
But it was also the year you asked Jesus in your heart
You loved Dinos and planets, with legos thrown in the mix
But again I blinked..
And you were six.

A year has gone by, time is ticking away
I realize I love you more with each passing day
Just yesterday you were a bun in the oven
But I blinked..
And today you are SEVEN.

Mama xoxo

Articles: 33

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