6 Inspiring Podcasts to Grow your Faith

It was during the lockdown last year that I really got into podcasts. Earlier I would listen on and off but now it’s a regular ritual, something I look forward to while I go about my mundane tasks like washing dishes and folding laundry. There are numerous gospel-centered podcasts available today and it is a great way to “listen” to God’s Word while doing other things. Romans 10:17 says “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” One of the things on my New Year’s list was to spend more time reading God’s Word and other theology related books.  I find podcasts an excellent alternative when I don’t really have time to sit down and devote to a book.

For those of you, who like me are looking for ways to grow your faith in the midst of a busy schedule, I’m sharing below a list of my favorite podcasts that I have loved listening to in the past few months and years. I generally listen on Spotify, but you can listen on iTunes or anywhere podcasts are available. I hope this post encourages you to get started too.

Verity by Phylicia Masonheimer

I first started following Phylicia Masonheimer on Instagram at a time when I was looking for answers to certain questions I had from the Old Testament. Her tagline “Every Woman a Theologian” caught my eye. It challenged me to delve into the scriptures and study them for myself instead of looking to others or the internet for answers. Her podcast, Verity, deals with important Biblical issues. She talks of all things theology and church history but also covers practical topics related to parenting, marriage, women in the church, culture, and so on.

This podcast has helped me really study scripture and learn to pursue the truth of who God is and who He has made me to be. Phylicia breaks down the difficult topics in a way that is easy to understand and keeps your interest even through the otherwise tedious material. I would recommend Verity to any woman who desires to learn the basics of theology and wants to grow deeper in her walk with God.

Pardon the Mess: Christian Parenting

Finding this podcast has been an absolute blessing in my parenting journey. I always look forward to Cynthia Yanoff’s words of wisdom and love all the guests she has on. She speaks honestly about this “messy” season of life that is parenting and gives Biblical truth and helpful suggestions for various parenting struggles.

The conversations are funny, relevant, and always Christ-centered. Some of my favorite episodes are the weekly bonus episodes about praying for our children. Cynthia chooses practical topics of prayer such as praying hope, self-discipline, protection, joy, integrity, godly friendships, contentment, etc. over our kids.

If you’re a mother or hope to be one someday, I can assure you that listening to Pardon the Mess will be worth your time. You will laugh, learn, and walk away encouraged!

Confessions of a Crappy Christian

Blake Guichet, the host, is a bold, honest, and godly woman. She has a heart for women and for God which truly shines through in every conversation on this podcast. I have enjoyed the variety of guests she invites to talk about all the things “good christians” aren’t “supposed” to talk about. If you’re looking for feel-good, fluffy, superficial conversations then this is probably not the right podcast for you. But if you want to hear the tough issues being discussed then this is the real deal. Blake defies culture in many areas but always has scripture to back her views. Being a Christian is sometime hard and the Confessions of a Crappy Christian podcast touches on all the wonderful as well as the hard aspects of being a believer in this broken world.

Thirty Minutes with the Perry’s

Preston and Jackie Hill Perry are a husband-wife duo who have the most genuine and light-hearted conversations that dive deep into the Word of God. Listening to them talk makes me feel like we’re all around the kitchen table having real-life conversations about the church, biblical womanhood, marriage, cancel culture, therapy and so on. They are a great example of a Christian couple who aren’t afraid of sharing their struggles, weaknesses, and victories in order to encourage people and glorify God through His ongoing work in their lives. I appreciate how they balance out both truth and grace in their conversations. This podcast will encourage, challenge and leave you with a huge dose of godly wisdom.

The Alisa Childers Podcast

I have never really been hugely into apologetics until I started listening to The Alisa Childers Podcast. Alisa defends her faith and speaks truth with much love and grace. She shares her own story of deconstruction and how that led her to studying apologetics. The primary focus of this podcast is defending the unshakeable truth of the gospel especially with regard to progressive Christianity.

I have learnt so much listening to the in-depth theological discussions Alisa has with her many guests such as Sean McDowell, J. Warner Wallace, Christopher Yuan, David Young, and so on. I recommend this podcast if you’re interested in solid, biblical teaching in the midst of today’s culture where people are constantly questioning the infallibility and reliability of the Bible.

Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson

Growing up, girls night was something I always looked forward to- a night of chatting, laughing, sharing, laughing some more, and sometimes even crying together. Now as a mama of two, these nights aren’t so frequent but still eagerly anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed!

The Girls Night podcast is full of light hearted, fun conversations between Stephanie and a friend that she invites on. It truly feels like you’re listening in on a chat between godly and wise girlfriends. They talk about every topic under the sun, even the ones that are sometimes embarrassing to talk about! You will never walk away without having learnt something new, feeling encouraged, or without a fresh new perspective on things. The best part is that every conversation is seeped in the truth of God’s word.

These are all podcasts I personally enjoy listening to. I wouldn’t recommend anything I haven’t listened to myself! There are a number of other podcasts on my list but I just haven’t had the time to get into them yet. If you have any recommendations for me I would love to hear about them in the comments below!

I hope you tune into some of the podcasts I’ve shared with you! Happy Listening! 🙂

Articles: 33


  1. Just popping in to let you know, 2 years since, that I’m always thankful that you shared this particular post. Thirty minutes with the Perrys was the one I picked to start to listen to back then and it opened my mind up to the variety out there that doesn’t necessarily fit in a standard template. It got me excited and I even listened to it together with my other half so we could discuss our views on it.

    There are so many choices of podcasts that it feels overwhelming to sort through everything so I have to be selective . I’m not regular at all in my listening, but every once in awhile I hanker for a good podcast to listen to. The fact that you’ve listed a bunch of suggestions here complete with a summary serves as a good reminder and reassures me. Thank you for sharing !

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to write Anusia! I so appreciate it! Your comment reminded me that I have an unfinished second part yo this article waiting to be posted! 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed the suggestions. I love a good podcast too. It makes for a good companion while a fold laundry! Thank you for stopping by! <3

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